Thursday, July 19, 2007

JogTunes presents and welcomes aquarunners

We just launched the beta version of Here's what Dr. Bob, our founder, has to say about our new site:

"Like running to the beat of my songs, I found that pedaling to the beat is also fun and motivating. I'm a big jazz fan so I started with some jazz tunes and then decided to use our entire signed artist, running music database as a resource for biking songs.

"I'm totally aware of the risk of wearing a headset and playing music while riding a bike in heavy traffic and even on country roads. That's why the new site addresses stationary cycling, kinetic training, and biking on rollers.

"The prepared playlists that we posted and will add in the future are sequenced for warm-up, full speed, and cool-down segments. The difference between the playlists for running and biking is the BPM range that are used for warming up and cooling down. I'm encouraging the playing of songs in the 90 to 100 BPM range to start and end the workout. This forces cyclists to set the gears (or resistance) higher and encourages more muscle toning. I expect visitors to the site will make there own varied playlists depending on their workout preferences. The possibilities are obviously limitless.

"Spinners will be looking for songs in with tempos equal to 180 to 200 pedal strokes (90 to 100 revolutions) per minute (equal to 180-200 BPMs). We have some songs on the site in the 180 to 190 range and will be adding up to 210 in the future."

We also would like to welcome aquarunners to We understand that they enjoy songs in the upper range of BPMs as well. So the addition of tunes in the 190-200 BPM range will address their needs as well.

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