Tuesday, July 07, 2009

JogTunes and the Fitnio Exercise Tracker iPhone App

Robby, a member of the Fitnio iPhone exercise tracking team app, recently introduced me to their program. Their uniqueness? Running music playlist integration. That means you can set up a playlist to use whenever you run. The app uses the built in GPS for tracking. It can be interfaced with their website, fitnio.com, for map acquisition, history, goal tracking, and more.

Check out the screen shot. Here's the info on music integration. And here's their blog.

This is one impressive app. When you launch it, don't forget to get your running music from jogtunes.com or load up our podcast episodes.

And shoot them a comment and tell them I sent you.


Anonymous said...

Unless I overlooked it, I didn't find any Gospel genre. What about those of us that like Gospel music?

jogTunes.com said...

Thanks for your request. Any specific artists in mind?

Dr. Bob

Anonymous said...

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